Department of Hindi in collaboration with NSS organized a fortnight long programs to celebrate Hindi Divas. The program ended on 12th of September, 2022 with a special event that was presided by Dr. Pushparaj Gautam, the Principal. The Chief Speaker of this event was Sahitya Akademi and Bharat Bharti awarded author Padmashri Ushakiran Khan. The Chief Guest here was Prof. Faruk Ali, the Honorable Vice Chancellor of J.P University and special guests were Dr. Ravi Prakash Babloo , the Registrar of J. P University and Prof. Harishchandra, the Coordinator of NSS, J. P University. To encourage students participation, the students who showed creativity were given prize in this event. The organizing secretaries of this event were Dr. Kumar Varun, Head, Department of Hindi and Dr. Indu Kumari, Head, Department of Zoology.